

Adolescence is the period of puberty, crisis, achievement of identity and search for meaning. It is a critical period in which the foundations of identity, self-esteem and meaning in life are defined.

The adolescent's main social task is the search for identity, the ability to answer the questions of “Who am I?” and “Where am I going?” Adolescents develop a stronger sense of self and seek to forge their own identities. Developmental concerns during adolescence revolve around establishing a sense of purpose or meaning.

Defining meaning and purpose during youth leads to many desired outcomes, such as prosocial behavior, moral commitment, value establishment, achievement, and high self-esteem. Finding this meaning is associated with self-esteem. Esteem among preteens is relatively unstable but gradually becomes more stable in late adolescence.

Another fundamental issue is communication with others and social skills that are very important for adolescents. Social skills are among the most basic elements of the human being. These skills begin and develop through communication.

Social skills have a direct impact on the quality of interpersonal relationships, and the quality of these interpersonal relationships often affects how the individual feels about themselves.

The significant effectiveness of logotherapy helps adolescents in this difficult but beautiful stage both in focusing personal development and in creating strong fundamental foundations for their development and future life through logotherapeutic techniques.

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