It is true that, between the Elementary, Middle and High school stages, students are expected to acquire study skills, time management and autonomy in completing tasks. However, many times these skills are not taught explicitly. With the rise of virtual education, helping students develop these skills more effectively may not be so easy.
Students now find themselves more alone in their learning, as the emergence of virtual classes, the lack of paper textbooks, and maintaining concentration in more complicated and competitive environments make learning more difficult. In this context, it is crucial to teach students how to avoid distractions, deal with wasted time, and study effectively. In doing so, we equip students with the skills necessary to meet educational challenges and the future.
It is important to provide explicit guidance on study strategies and time management, as well as encourage responsibility and self-organization among students.
With the help of different resources and strategies, I provide the support and tools necessary to be successful in learning and academic development in any educational environment. As well as the availability of various methodologies and strategies to improve academic performance, which help raise awareness about the importance of these skills and encourage their development in students, and avoid distractions and lack of interest.
Sessions on study skills and methodologies represent a valuable strategy to address the educational challenges that arise today. What is offered:
We develop together with the needs of the student and parents:
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